Why body intelligence in corporations?
Normally all the courses people take revolve around thinking and speaking. The body is left completely out of the equation.
For years, learning has been based on the transmission of information, but today just knowing is not enough; You can know and not understand, so it is necessary to integrate body and emotional intelligence into the equation to address and manage the complexity of our daily lives.
The demands of today’s business world requires us to consistently be able to sustain a process of constant transformation.
A good relationship with your body and emotions leads to physical and psychological improvement. This translates into an increase in performance, motivation and professional potential.
Aimed at employees, managers, teams and organizations in any sector who want to learn, rediscover, and improve the potential that our body has and how it’s transferred to the world of relationships and business.
Every day, companies are investing in the quality of life and well-being of their employees. They do this by understanding the close relationship between physical-mental balance and good professional performance.
Taking care of your teams involves creating a more humane corporate framework that allows people to develop personally and professionally.
“”The promotion of health in the workplace can result in a decrease in diseases and their derived costs, in an increase in productivity, as well as in a healthier, more motivated, working population with higher morale and with a better work environment ”. Healthy Company, Luxembourg declaration.
What do I do? I advise you, first carrying out a diagnosis. I then create the program with a customized action and wellness plan, taking into account the needs of your organization, its strategic model and organizational culture.

Our “normal” rhythm of life unfortunately frequently leads to a state of continuous stress and tension. When this state is maintained, our body reacts unconsciously in an attempt to protect ourselves through gestures and movements, blocking our breathing, altering our body and producing a series of symptoms that end up making us sick.
Does this sound familiar? This blockage not only hurts our body movements but also our ability to express ourselves, to think and even to make decisions. Can we reverse this process? Is it possible to prevent it? Yes.
I propose a program that includes:

Listen beyond words.
Your body communicates, even if you don’t speak.
Non-verbal communication is capable of transmitting complete messages without the need for words, through body movements, posture, gestures and expressions.
According to research, only 7% of what we communicate is transmitted through words while the remaining 93% is through non-verbal language. 38% of this non-verbal communication is transmitted with the voice, its tone, its nuances and the remaining 55% through the body as signals, gestures, breathing, etc.
In short, a large part of what we transmit is projected through non-verbal language, so we must be aware of its importance. If we want to know what another person really feels, we must pay attention to their gestures, expressions or tone of voice. But, let’s also learn to regulate our own non-verbal communication so that our message is received in the way we intend.

“When you reach the end of what you should know, you will be at the beginning of what you should feel.” Khalil Gibran
In the business world, talking about body and emotions is somewhat risky, but it may be the only way to truly develop and retain human talent.
Is your company a space of human care and development, made up of conscious, connected, enthusiastic and passionate workers, who find creative ways to express themselves, are self-fulfilled and freely communicate their explorations?
We know that our thoughts influence our bodies, but what about the other way around? Can the body change the mind?
The “embodied cognition,” translated as body thinking, explores the relationship between the body, emotions and action potential. It tells us emphatically that our way of interpreting and feeling is closely linked to the body posture we adopt and our way of moving.

The school stage is the most appropriate time for acquiring knowledge and healthy habits that will serve as the basis for a healthy future lifestyle.
This program that is carried out in the school environment or within educational organizations.
Initially we carry out a training for the educators, later we introduced these lessons to the children. We also included the parents so that the lessons learned could be brought home and incorporated into families homes.
Encourage the active participation of educators, parents and schoolchildren with each other

This seminar is designed mainly for foreign clients to enhance teamwork and their relational skills.
Cooking a paella is an original simile of how a company works. While exploring this concept your team will spend a day outside the company, getting to know the Spanish gastronomic culture in a picturesque, stunning setting.
When we talk about cooking a paella, everyone is a specialist, but not everyone rolls up their sleeves to collaborate and they don’t take into account that a paella goes beyond just eating a plate of rice.
- To develop the concept of leadership and accompaniment.
- Enjoy a day meeting your regular coworkers or those who come from outside the company.
- Work in an original way on the 12 key points to achieve excellence through the PAELLA COACH work team.


Colegio Grans i Menuts
Escuela Infantil Moby Dick
Asociación Europea de Rolfing
Aguas de Valencia
Hospital Provincial Castellón
Patronat de Deportes Castellón
Ayuntamiento Castellón
Ayuntamiento Benicassim
Ayuntamiento Nules
Ayuntamiento de Burriana
Fundacion Bachmann Argentina
Escuela Osteopatia Lima
Ismeta E.E.U.U
Escuela Advanced Trainings E.E.U.U
Universitat de Valencia
Universitat Jaume I Castellón
Universitat Illes Balears
SEB Banken Suecia
Hagalivscenter Suecia
Universidad San Marcos Lima
Vox Impact Ginebra
Travel Point Haga Rehab Suecia
Kinesis Centro de Fisioterapia Benicassim
IEC Ingenieria y Equipos para Cogeneracion S.L. Castellón
Asociacion Española de Fisioterapeutas
Embodied Potential Enaxens SASU Paris
Icelandic School of Therapeutic Massage Islandia
Asociacion Artritis Castellón
Centro Iaces Madrid
Turning Point Counseling Services Alaska
Centre Mare Castellón
Gynenova Castellón
Club Deportivo de Futbol Castelóon
FUE Castellón
Omphis Institut Barcelona
La Brújula del Canto Castellón
Centro Tantien Valencia
Clínica Dental Dra. Schilling Benicassim
Asicación Amás de Casa Almazora
Espai de Art Castellón
Asociación Amas de Casa Benicassim
Hospital Alcázar de San Juán
Elofstorps Gamla Missionshus Suecia
Rolfing-Yoga Suecia
Universidad de Uppsala Suecia
Centro Medico Dr. Farnos Alcocebre
Revista Cuerpo Mente
Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife
Mutua Asepeyo, Castellón
Asociacion Fibromialgia Burriana
Asociacion Fibromialgia Vall de Uxo
Colegio de Fisioterapeutas Murcia
Camping Bonterra, Benicassim
Asociacion Bodywisdom, Castellón
Universidad Europea de Madrid
EACC Castellón