Aging in feminine, documentary project about the challenges, , needs, what we have not had, what is gone, what is coming… Gender aging is the great forgotten of our society and our policies, to give visibility to active and healthy aging, to the specific needs of women, from an early age to educate in old age.
Documentary Project
Do we believe that men and women face the fact of aging in the same way ? and society ?
My experience in the fields of health and working together with psychologists and in education has led me to prepare this documentary in which I want to deal with different aspects of gender aging with women of different ages relevant in Spanish society but also internationally.

Ph: Arianne Clement
This documentary wants to treat with deep respect the legacy that so many women leave us, this society so long-lived can not fail to show the faces, the hands of the elderly, if we all want to live to 100 years old let’s work on creating safe spaces, to respect the experience and work at other rhythms of great professionals, let’s take care of ourselves, let’s build livable, walkable, meeting cities, let’s talk about loneliness, fear, sexuality and the bodies of the elderly that do not seem to exist, let’s give visibility to old age, women will thank us and perhaps future generations will have the road a little smoother.
But aging in feminine goes beyond, crosses borders and wants to understand aging in feminine not only for women, but to understand that those men who develop their feminine part during old age, have a more serene old age and richer in experiences, among many other things that we will expose.

Body intelligence will be present giving visibility as the movement in aging and understand this as a signature of both physical and mental health should be part of our habits and have them very present throughout the aging, as a practice, we will tell you more ….
Below, access the different interviews in which we have participated with this project and help us to spread it by sharing it to make this documentary visible. Thank you!
Interview Radio Nacional
“Bibiana Badenes and Reyes Lluch have talked to us about the documentary project ‘Envejecer en femenino’ in which the testimonies of different professionals are collected to analyze, among other issues, if men and women face the fact of aging in the same way. The person in charge of this work Bibiana Badenes says that ‘gender aging is the great forgotten of this society’.”
Las Mañanas de Radio Nacional with Pepa Fernández – 19 Jan 2021
Listen hereImages are copyrighted by Arianne Clement