“If life is the art of meeting, we have met”
I am a dynamic, energetic person who’s always had the curiosity of wanting to understand the human being beyond just parts and theory. To learn, train and constantly improve my understanding of who we are, I’ve searched and traveled the world to train with the best.
Earlier in my life, because of a deviated spine and a few other challenges it was recommended I take up swimming. This experience became my first step in learning with my body. Despite being disciplined, my back pain continued.
Through this personal experience with pain I’ve gained a close understanding of the challenges it brings. Along the way, this experience has also helped develop a knowledge and intuition I use to find and work with each individuals needs.
With every person I work with, my respect and admiration grows as we work together solving each of your problems and needs. Above all I’m happy I can be a part of helping you find your own ways of enjoying and maximizing your potential.
With perspective, I can see I’ve been a pioneer in Spain with my approach of applying different forms of treatment while teaching movement education, but especially in connecting the two and making body intelligence work applicable and available to both individuals and the business world.
Below are a few of the questions we always explore and are also the reasons I consider my work to be more than just mechanical, or a set of techniques or series of exercises.
– Exploring why you are injured or how to prevent future injuries
– Learning how to improve your coordination and mobility.
– Working with your chronic back or general pain.
– Examining how your movement patterns affect decision-making.
– Investigating how emotions are expressed in your body.
Most people think that everything they have done has been by chance, but over time a common thread can be seen. Let me share the threads that have come together for me.
While studying in the U.S.A. was exposed to the work of physical therapists. This was new work to me because in Spain this work hardly exists. Upon my return, I worked through my thoughts of where I was headed professionally. My decisions and answers led me to the University of Valencia where I prepared for career in physical therapy. Still, at the same time I had a great interest in the business world.
I soon felt the university had given me a training, but not the profession that I envisioned. I knew that something else was possible and returned to the USA to do an internship at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota.
Throughout my studies my back pain and rigidity continued. In an effort to find solutions I continually looked for and took courses in neurolinguistic programming and body awareness. I also liked nutrition, reading about anthropology and philosophy, which where all very new to me and outside the purist lines of those times.
While already working as a physiotherapist, during a myofascial therapy course, the teacher touched me in a way that made me think: “Wow, I want to work like this and I want this for myself.” He told me he had learned it from people who practiced Rolfing®.
Without hesitation, I looked for Rolfing© practitioners in Spain, during these sessions I began a process of personal change, I began to notice this was a definitive before and after point in my life. I decided to train and dedicate myself to this form of work which gave me my initial understanding of approaching the human being in a holistic way, with an integral paradigm and not only symptomatic.
I clearly understood that this was my path, and continued training in all levels of the Rolfing© method in Switzerland, Germany, Italy and the USA. On top of being the first Spanish physical therapist, I am also a Rolfing© movement teacher. To compliment my work I’v also been trained in structural, visceral, and sacral skull osteopathy.
I knew the body was not just a taxi that shuttled the brain. I needed to know more! I continued other training such as mindfulness, relaxation techniques, mind control, neurolinguistic programming and other techniques related to personal development and psychotherapy.
These studies continued until one day through experiential anatomy and somatic movement I realized my searching was over, I had arrived, I had that feeling you get when you arrive home after a long journey; you are tired, you recognize the place, the body relaxes, you take off your shoes, you drop the suitcase, you feel that you are whole. Suddenly everything I had studied and learned came together and I had a true meaning. I began to understand and inhabit theory in my body.
Today I continue in this continuous process of daily practice of consciousness and somatic movement, connecting with my true essence, which allows me to give and be my best.
I have been running Kinesis, a center for physical therapy and movement in harmony for more than 20 years, my way of working is totally personalized with each of the clients who share their trust with me. Our work includes the Rolfing© method, movement education, coaching, Matrix© rhythmic therapy and aquatic work, which complements our out of the water work in an extraordinary way of speeding up the recovery process.
I have been working with Swedish companies since 1998, I started with residential programs for rheumatic patients, the results of this activity culminated in a presentation at Harvard University at the Brain, Movement and Cognition congress in 2018. My collaboration was expanded in the 2003 to present with Swedish consultancies, with stress management programs (banking clients), burnout and depression, where I apply the concept I have developed of body intelligence.
Over time, my interest in working directly with companies, in the field of education and with organizations has grown. I believe there is a still great work to be done including sustainability, personal development and self-knowledge in situ, all in the effort of generating higher quality both for the performance of the profession and for personal relationships.
I have trained in Leadership and Coaching at Columbia University and in the concept of Embodiment Facilitation in London.
I feel comfortable creating networks and meeting bridges between the different therapeutic, movement and personal development disciplines. I seek an interdisciplinary dialogue in the different areas of health and well-being which can reach companies as well as individuals. To this end, I created the Bodywisdom Spain congress. www.bodywisdomspain.com.
The international non-profit association, ISMETA, based in New York, was interested in my initiatives and work, and invited me to be a member of its board of directors. The work I currently do, and voluntarily perform, involves growing the emerging field of somatic movement education and therapy, making it more widely known so it can be integrated into education and business.
I have taught courses at different universities and centers mainly abroad, but also in Spain. I organize health and wellness retreats for individuals and companies.
I live in a wonderful place, Benicassim, Spain, with my husband and my three children, oh! and my dog.
I feel very fortunate to have chosen to work in this way and because the profession I envisioned has become a reality today.
If you have made it this far, it may be time for us to start working together.
Thank you.